Georgian intaglio of Halley and comet c1790

Georgian intaglio of Halley and comet c1790

Code: AM80

£250.00 Approx $313.28, €292.4, ¥2252.25

This is an unmounted intaglio.

It is made of glass and was designed to be used with hot wax for sealing letters.

I have made an impression of this intgalio using hot wax to show that the intaglio works as intended and also to give a clearer image of the intaglio.

The wax impression comes in a small plastic case and is included with the purchase of this piece

This is an unmounted intaglio.

It is a small and thick oval glass piece which has a highly detailed image of a Halley (who doesn’t look to happy) and the comet named after him

The quality of the intaglio is superb and you can really see the detailing when you look at the intaglio from the back of the glass

The intaglio side is wider that the back and this causes a slight magnifying effect

The intaglio measures 21mm x 17mm x 16mm and is in 95% mint condition.