Great Expectations

Wednesday 22nd March 2023 at 14:19

You may have seen trailers for the new BBC production of Great Expectations. Well, I was very pleased to be involved with this production last year. It was made by the same creative team as Peaky Blinders and this updated version looks to be terrific.

I supplied all the watches and watch chains for the characters and also some principle props. Notably a repeater pocket watch for the character “Mr Jaggers” along with a accompanying watch stand and also a principle prop for the character “Miss Havisham” played by the wonderful Oliva Coleman. I have only seen the trailers so far and so I am not sure how much screen time will be given to these props but when watching, if you see a pocket watch or watch chain, it was supplied by me.

The watch chains were kept by the production team and alas the front cover of the repeater was torn off during production but two props did come back to me; the watch stand (number 13.30) and Miss Havisham’s watch (4.4)