Georgian gilt seal with coded Intaglio c1770

Georgian gilt seal with coded Intaglio c1770

Code: 9.635

£495.00 Approx $621.08, €576.92, ¥4500

This is seal was designed to be used with hot wax for sealing letters.

I have made an impression of this seal using hot wax to show that the seal works as intended and also to give a clearer image of the intaglio.

The wax impression comes in a small plastic case and is included with the seal.

This is a Georgian gilt seal set with a white opaque bloodstone stone which has a coded message. These fun seals were used by the Georgians when writing letters as a little nod or wink to the comings and goings of the recipient and tended to be tongue in cheek and a bit gossipy & confuse anyone who wasn’t in on the joke.

This seal has a white stone engraved with the pictures and words hourglass (time) little crosses (flies) Water barrel (butt) handshake (friendship) coal-bucket or basket (remains) – a little tenuous perhaps but that’s the Georgians for you!

The seal has a carved base and a strut handle with suspension loop

The seal measures 18mm x 12mm x 9mm and is in 95% mint condition.